is a tool to manage virtual machines in multi-cloud.
Check 🌍 https://onctl.com for detailed documentation
What onctl brings
- 🌍 Simple intuitive CLI to run VMs in seconds.
- ⛅️ Supports multi cloud providers (aws, azure, hetzner, more coming soon...)
- 🚀 Sets your public key and Gives you SSH access with
onctl ssh <vm-name>
- ✨ Cloud-init support. Set your own cloud-init file
onctl up -n qwe --cloud-init <cloud.init.file>
- 🤖 Use ready to use templates to configure your vm. Check onctl-templates
onctl up -n qwe -a k3s/k3s-server.sh
- 🗂️ Use your custom local or http accessible scripts to configure your vm.
onctl ssh qwe -a <my_local_script.sh>
Quick Start
initialize project. this will create a .onctl
directory. check configuration file and set as needed.
❯ onctl init
onctl environment initialized
Mac OS
brew install cdalar/tap/onctl
curl -sLS https://www.onctl.com/get.sh | bash
sudo install onctl /usr/local/bin/
- download windows binary from releases page
- unzip and copy onctl.exe to a location in PATH
Enjoy ✅
❯ onctl
onctl is a tool to manage cross platform resources in cloud
onctl [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
create Create a VM
destroy Destroy VM(s)
help Help about any command
init init onctl environment
ls List VMs
ssh Spawn an SSH connection to a VM
version Print the version number of onctl
-h, --help help for onctl
Use "onctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.